View Genre
The View Genre mode allows you to quickly browse all of
the albums/CDs that have been classified in a given genre
or style of music. Each CD is automatically classified when
you load it into you library.
The left column indicates the “genre”, a quick double-tap
here will take you directly to all of the CDs in this genre.
When available, the right column will indicate “styles” that
are available within the genre currently selected, giving
you a more refined way to browse your music. Clicking on
a “style” will take directly to all of the CDs classified in this
genre/style combination.
Use the scroll bars and alpha sorter at the bottom of the
list to quickly scroll through available genres and styles.
View Covers
If you prefer to find your album/CD by viewing the cover,
this is the menu choice for you. In View Cover mode you
can browse your library and choose an album literally by
its cover. In View Cover, you will be presented with a list of
all of the CDs in your library using the cover art. Tap on
any CD to go directly to a detailed view of that CD.
Use the “sort mode” button indicated by the arrow in
the illustration to control whether the albums are
sorted by Artist name or Album name.
Use the scroll bars at the bottom of the list to quickly
scroll through the cover list.
You may also use the alpha-sorter bar to quickly jump
to artist or album names beginning with different
letters of the alphabet. For instance press the “A” to
select an artist or album name (based on sort mode)
beginning with “A”.
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