Rev. 6-12
maint ain amplit ude.
For example, a ½ ” probe at 100% amplitude w ill require approximately 5 w atts
t o operat e in air. The amplit ude of t his probe is approximately 120um. Insert t he probe in w ater
and t he w at t age reading w ill increase to approximat ely 90 w att s. The w at t age required t o operate
t he probe w ill increase as t he load increases but the amplitude remains t he same.
The AMPLITUDE cont rol allow s t he ult rasonic vibrat ions at t he probe t ip to be set t o any desired
level. Alt hough the degree of cavit at ion/ult rasonic energy required to process t he sample can
readily be det ermined by visual observat ion, t he amount of pow er required cannot be predetermined.
A sensing net w ork cont inuously monit ors the out put requirement s, and aut omat ically adjust s the
pow er to maintain t he amplit ude at t he preselect ed level. The greater the resist ance to the
movement of the probe due to higher viscosit y, deeper immersion of t he probe into t he sample,
larger probe diameter or higher pressure, t he greater t he amount of pow er that w ill be delivered to
t he probe. Set t ing the AMPLITUDE cont rol to it s maximum w ill not cause t he maximum pow er
rat ing of t he unit t o be delivered t o t he sample. The maximum pow er (700 w at t s) t hat t he
Ult rasonic Processor is capable of delivering w ill only be delivered w hen the resist ance to t he
movement of the probe is high enough t o draw maximum w at tage.
It is t he int ensit y of cavit at ion t hat measures the ef fect iveness of t he sonicat ion, not the t otal
pow er applied t o t he syst em. Int ensit y is direct ly related t o t he amplit ude of t he radiat ing f ace of
t he t ip or horn. It is amplitude t hat must be provided, maint ained, and monitored. The unit provides
cont rolled amplit ude under varying load condit ions in order to give reproducible result s.
Содержание Sonicator Q700
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