Alignment menu
The alignment menu contains several tools for alignment and calibration of the radio, using the
built-in signal generator to inject a test signal back into the receiver’s front end.
Correct use of these alignment tools makes it possible to adjust and align the receiver without any
external test equipment at all.
Please also refer to the alignment/adjustment section at the end of the assembly part of the
assembly manual, which describes how to use these tools to peak the Band Pass Filter response,
and to minimise the unwanted sideband using the I-Q balance and audio phase shift adjustments.
8.1 Align frq
The Align frq. parameter specifies the frequency which the alignment tools operate. You should
ensure that the frequency specified is in the centre of the CW section of the band of operation of
your radio.
8.2 I-Q bal frq
The audio frequency at which the I-Q balance adjustment is performed. By default this is set to
700Hz, the centre of the audio filter and what is usually used for the CW offset frequency.
8.3 Phase Lo frq
The audio frequency at which the LOW audio frequency 90-degree phase shift is performed.
8.4 Phase Hi frq
The audio frequency at which the HIGH audio frequency 90-degree phase shift is performed.
QCX operating manual, firmware 1.07, manual edit 0.03