A subsequent query
would now return:
QM4.1 .Straight;
Note that not all menu operations would make sense. For example, some of the QCX+ menus
involve activating test equipment or alignment functions, they do not have an actual value which
may be queried or set.
QU: QCX+ Update notification
In certain applications, it would be useful for the host computer application to be notified whenever
the operator makes a change on the QCX. This does not apply to standard PC software packages
such as logging software, because the QU feature implemented on the QCX+ is not part of the
Kenwood TS-480 CAT command protocol. It is specific to the QCX. The notification could be
useful for people homebrewing their own control interface for the QCX.
This feature is enabled by sending the CAT command QU1; to switch on notifications. QU0;
switches off notifications. When the set command is used, any pending unsolicited update flags
are cleared.
When enabled, the QCX+ issues a QU (QCX+ Update) notification to the CAT host, whenever the
operator changes anything on the QCX+, that the CAT command interface is capable of reading. It
also provides information on what was changed. Depending on what was changed, and how, and
when, it is possible that more than one parameter in the QCX+ could be changed and notified in a
single QU update to the host. The QU format therefore implements a 2-digit numeric field, which is
bit-mapped to 6 event flags that indicate what changed on the QCX.
The format of the notification is QUnnn; where nnn is the 3-digit number made up of the event flag
There are seven possible events, i.e. parameters in the QCX+ which the operator can change,
and which are readable over the CAT interface. In this way, the host application knows what
parameters in the QCX+ were changed, and can send the appropriate CAT commands to the
QCX+ to find out the new values.
The possible event codes are as follows:
0b 0000 0001 (decimal 1): VFO A was changed
0b 0000 0010 (decimal 2): VFO B was changed
0b 0000 0100 (decimal 4): RIT was changed
0b 0000 1000 (decimal 8): the Transmit/Receive state was changed
0b 0001 0000 (decimal 16): the Keyer speed was changed
0b 0010 0000 (decimal 32): the VFO mode was changed
0b 0100 0000 (decimal 64): Decoded CW now available (if notification enabled)
The numeric field nn is made up of the sum total of the event identifiers which were triggered. For
example if the host receives the notification “QU003;” then this would indicate that VFO A and
VFO B were both changed. This could for example, have occurred because the operator executed
the VFO Swap function. It could also indicate that the QCX+ was momentarily busy (such as,
handling some existing queue of commands from the CAT host) and the operator changed both
VFOs before the QCX+ was able to send the notification. It’s unlikely, but possible.
QCX operating manual, firmware 1.07, manual edit 0.03