M anual for Adv ance 5/133E
R e c o ve r yEa s y
before converting can avoid this problem. It’ s the same situation as “ FAT32
Converter” provided in W indows98.
What if pa rt itions be w rongly dele te d in R ec ove ryE as y?
If users delete a partition in RecoveryEasy by mistake, they can save it by
pressing the Reset button on their system at once. Do not press the “ ESC”
key to quit RecoveryEasy, this will save the change. Do not try to create the
partition again, since creating partition will clear all the content of the partition.
12 .
W ha t is mult i-boot ?
RecoveryEasy can implement the multi-boot function by activating different
partition. For example on the hard disk, partition C contains DOS, partition D
contains W indows 95 version, partition E contains W indows 98 version, when
activating partition C in RecoveryEasy, the system enters DOS, when activating
partition E, the system enters W indows 98 version. At the same time, the sequence
of the partitions is adjusted accordingly, partition E becomes C:, partition C becomes
D: and partition D becomes E:. This function is the same as that of fdisk.exe, but the
system needs reboot in order to make the change validate for fdisk.exe.
13 .
W ha t if comput e r ac cide nta lly pow er of f w hen ba ck uping ( re cov er ing) ?
The partition should be completely backuped or recovered. If the computer
accidentally powers off, the partition should be backuped or recovered once again.
14 .
W ha t if us er s los e t he pa s sw ord?
To make sure the security, the password is saved in the hard disk. It’s very
impor ta nt for us e rs t o r emembe r t he pas s w ord. If for getti ng th e
password, contact us, clearing CMOS is useless.
15 .
Does R ecover yEas y prot ect har d disk aga ins t CIH?
RecoveryEasy can strongly protect the hard disk from boot-virus, as well as the
attack of CIH. If the system is attacked by CIH, RecoveryEasy will automatically
recover the MBR and each partition boot record before system boots up, and try
to recover the FAT. In this way the system can basically boot up, then users can
use some anti-virus application to kill the virus. However this depends on how
CI vi us af ec s he sy te . IH no ma ly ou br ak o 2
ev ry mo th i t e
s st m an ot bo t p ha d y, po er of t e om ut r ns an ly a d se th
se on s fe wa t r co er th s st m, th t s, re ov r he pa ti io f om it
mi ro a ea fr m ec ve y se I te fa e. Re em er to cr at a mi ro p rt ti n
a d ac up be or v ru a ta ks th s st m.