P200W2 Series Dehydrator User’s Guide
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P012213 – Rev. F
3. Table of Contents
1. Welcome & Congratulations .......................... 3
2. Introduction ..................................................... 3
3. Table of Contents ............................................. 4
4. Safety & Warning Information ...................... 6
5. Overview & Specifications .............................. 8
5.1 Product Description .................................... 8
5.2 Key Features ............................................... 8
5.3 P200W2 Series Dehydrator Models ........... 9
5.4 Technical Specifications ............................. 9
6. Installing Your Dehydrator .......................... 10
6.1 Safety & Warning Information ................. 10
6.2 Before You Begin ..................................... 11
6.3 Included Contents ..................................... 12
6.4 Required Tools and Materials ................... 12
6.5 Installation Steps ....................................... 13
6.6 Installation Checklist ................................ 27
7. Registering Your Dehydrator ....................... 28
8. Operating Your Dehydrator ......................... 29
8.1 Safety & Warning Information ................. 29
8.2 Connecting an Air Supply Line ................ 30
8.3 Powering the Dehydrator ON & OFF ....... 31
8.4 Using the Front Panel Display .................. 32
8.5 Identifying Dehydrator Alarms ................. 34
8.6 Accessing the Set Up Menu ...................... 36
8.7 Using the System Operations Menu ......... 37
8.8 Using the Alarm Set Points Menu ............ 39
8.9 Using the Network Setup Menu ................ 45
8.10 Connecting Alarms ................................. 49
8.11 Connecting an IP Cable .......................... 49
8.12 Connecting via Web Browser ................. 50
8.13 Using the Status Screen .......................... 52
8.14 Using the Setup Screen ........................... 54
8.15 Using the Event Screen ........................... 57
8.16 Using the Alarm Screen .......................... 58
8.17 Using the Firmware Screen ..................... 59
8.18 Connecting via SNMP ............................ 61
9. Testing Your Dehydrator .............................. 62
9.1 Safety & Warning Information ................. 62
9.2 Measuring Incoming Voltage ................... 63
9.3 Testing High Pressure Alarm .................... 65
9.4 Testing Low Pressure Alarm .................... 66
9.5 Testing High Duty Cycle Alarm ............... 67
10. Service & Repair .......................................... 69
10.1 Services Offered ..................................... 69
10.2 Initiating a Service Transaction .............. 69
11. Troubleshooting Your Dehydrator ............ 70
11.1 Before You Call PUREGAS ................... 70
11.2 Safety & Warning Information ............... 70
11.3 Dehydrator Won’t Power ON ................. 72
11.4 Display Screen Not Functioning ............. 72
11.5 High Pressure Alarm ............................... 72
11.6 Can’t Create a High Pressure Alarm ....... 73
11.7 Low Pressure Alarm ............................... 73
11.8 Can’t Create a Low Pressure Alarm ....... 74
11.9 High Humidity ........................................ 74
11.10 High Cabinet Temperature Alarm......... 74
11.11 Low Cabinet Temperature Alarm ......... 74
11.12 Duty Cycle Alarm ................................. 75
11.13 Can’t Create a Duty Cycle Alarm ......... 75
11.14 Unable to connect via Web Browser ..... 75
11.15 Invalid Data via Web Browser .............. 76
11.16 Contacting PUREGAS Technical
Support............................................................ 76