Although printed on the front panel as "SCENE FADE TIMES", the system has been
enhanced beyond that originally planned, to give Fade IN and OUT Times to SCENE CHASES as well as SCENES.
Environments and Environments Chases don't have Fade Times but of course the Scenes and Scene Chases they
contain can.
The Scenes within a Scene Chase can have fade times if required.
Overriding Global Control of all Fade In and Out Times
is achieved by moving the IN and OUT sliders to engage
them (LEDs blinking) and choosing suitable Fade In and Out times. These slider values then operate for all Scene
and Scene Chase Fade In and Out times, overriding the individual fade times stored with them.
Cancelling Global Control of all Fade In and Fade Out Times.
While pressing Release Sliders, move the IN
and/or OUT sliders to release them from having overriding control. The Fade In and/or Out times stored with each
Scene and Scene Chase now operate. Release All - Release Sliders & Slider Action together, also releases the IN
and OUT sliders.
Old Memory Cards.
When loading a show from a Memory Card made with an earlier version of software:
All the Fade In and Out Times stored with the Scenes and Scene Chases are set to zero.
The IN and OUT sliders are set to zero and made inaccessible.
These ensure that your show will work with the 1.9 software exactly as it did before.
To Save a Scene's Fade Times
the IN and/or OUT sliders need to be engaged (LEDs blinking) when you do "Save
Output To Scene" - otherwise the Scene's own existing values remain.
To Modify a Scene's Fade Times:
switch on the Scene (on its own, and allow it to fade to full if it has a fade in
time), adjust the IN and/or OUT sliders to the required times, save the scene back to itself.
To Save/Modify Scene Chase Fade Times
the IN and/or OUT sliders need to be engaged (LEDs blinking) and the
Controls Engaged LED needs to be on, when you do "Program Chase Sequence plus Select the Chase to be
programmed" - otherwise the Scene Chase's own existing values remain.
Seeing the stored fade times.
When you switch a Scene or Scene Chase on or off, the display shows
(sequentially) the IN and OUT times, and for Scene Chases, the SPEED and SLOPE as well. Also, provided the IN
and/or OUT sliders are not engaged, their LEDs will be updated with these fade time values for a rough indication.
VIEW may be used to give an accurate read out - move the IN or OUT slider WHILE an Output Select or Keyboard
Select key is pressed.
Enhancements to the VIEW system.
(The VIEW system puts useful information in the display. It is activated by
moving a Slider or pressing a Key WHILE an Output Select or Keyboard Select key is pressed. No levels or functions
are changed in the process.) New features:
While holding an
Output Select key
pressed, pressing a
Keyboard key
displays the
Channel Number
(C. 1 - C.108) followed by the
Channel's Level
at finger off.
While holding a
Scene Keyboard Select
pressed, pressing a
Keyboard key
displays (sequentially) the
Scene's Fade In and Out times.
While holding a
Scene Chase Keyboard Select key
pressed, pressing a
Keyboard key
displays the
Chase's Fade In and Out Times,
and its
and connects this chase to the chase controls
without having to switch it on or off.
For Manual chases and Real Time / Step Time Environment Chases,
the Slope is the crossfade time in seconds.
Tip - to see if any Scenes or Scene Chases have fade times, ensure the IN and OUT sliders are released, then,
WHILE pressing a Keyboard Select key, run your finger across the Keyboard watching the IN and OUT LEDs.
Remote Swap Memory and Card
is now possible from MIDI and the Remote Control Socket. See Appendix Three
- Remote Control by MIDI and Appendix Four - Using the Remote Control Socket.
Grand Master Level
is now loaded from a Memory Card (when loading from old cards it is put to 100%).
Paul F. Mardon, Technical Director, 28-10-98
File: MPN.Sam
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