Swap - on/off.
Swap - This Keyboard/All Like Keyboards - only available when SWAP is on.
* A - B Crossfade Mode
In the 4 Digit Display you will see: Ltch/FLSH, SWAP/SOLO, ALL/thIS, A-b/OFF
Each Keyboard may have the following Action:
- only the pad(s) pressed are on.
- the pads toggle ON/OFF or OFF/ON when touched.
Flash + Swap = SOLO - only the pad(s) pressed are on,
any others are temporarily turned off while pad(s) are pressed.
Latch + Swap = SWAP - only the last pad touched is on, any others are permanently turned off.
If the This Keyboard/All Like Keyboards pad is switched to All Like Keyboards mode, then the SWAP or SOLO
action takes place across any Keyboard which is also switched to the same mode.
* A - B Crossfade Mode - Display: "A-b" / "OFF"
The action of the Keyboard changes allowing you to select the next scene (red) to fade in using the A or B master
sliders. The current one is green but ready to be faded out. To use the fade in and fade out times stored with
each scene, the Forward or Reverse Manual Step pads are used.
More details to follow when this part of the software is implemented.
The Masterpiece has 18 Keyboards with 18 pads each (324) - for reasons of practicality you can only
see one
Keyboard at a time! There are:
12 Scene Keyboards - giving 216 Scenes
3 Scene Chase Keyboards - giving 54 Scene Chases
3 Environment Keyboards - giving 48 Enviro 6 Environment Chases
on Environment Keyboard 3, pads 1-6 (7-18 are 12 more Environments).
The 18 Keyboard Select/View/Release pads - have the following uses:
1. To SELECT which of the 12 Scene, 3 Scene Chase or 3 Environment Keyboards, the 18 Keyboard pads are
working, their LEDs are monitoring AND which 18 KEYBOARD MASTERS the 18 SLIDERS are able to
adjust/view/ release.
2. To VIEW the level of a KEYBOARD MASTER - two methods:
a. While keeping a finger pressed on one of the 18 Keyboard Select pads, move one of the 18 sliders
corresponding to the S/SC/E/EC whose level you wish to view, its level will be displayed in the 4 Digit
Display, without changing it.
b. * While keeping a finger pressed on one of the 18 Keyboard Select pads, press one of the 18 Keyboard pads -
the Keyboard and Keyboard pad number (e.g. E3-9) will be displayed until you remove your finger from the
Keyboard pad when the S/SC/E/EC’s Level will be displayed.
3. To RELEASE all/any slider(s) engaged to KEYBOARD MASTERS within a Keyboard, keep one of the 18
Keyboard Select pads pressed and at the same time press the RELEASE SLIDERS pad.
4. * To engage the chase controls to a particular chase without switching that chase on or off.
Scene Keyboard No.12 - S2L is a special Scene Keyboard for:
1. Patching 3 Real Level Zones of 4 channel Sound-to-Light through to the 108 output channels,
2. Crossfading between 4 Scenes using the Joystick,
3. * Choosing Velocity or Position mode for the Joystick.
See Programming Section for more detail.
* This feature will be available in future software upgrades.
Page 5.4 - for Pulsar Masterpiece software version No.1.0, December 1990.