Memory-To-Card transfers the contents of the Memory of the Masterpiece (all the Scenes, Chases etc. that you
have programmed), to the Memory Card for security and for transfer between Masterpieces. One Card is
provided with each Masterpiece, new Cards need to have their battery inserted before use. The Masterpiece will
be able to check the Card’s battery voltage in later software versions. Battery life is 3-5 years. While you press
the pad, the display shows "M-C", followed by "COdE", which flashes to prompt you to enter your Security Code,
four presses on the Keyboard are required. The Security Code feature is not yet implemented - any four key
presses on the Keyboard will do. If you do not enter a code within 5 seconds, the transfer is cancelled and the
display shows "CNCL". The transfer takes about 2 seconds and the display counts down to zero to show you the
progress. The data transferred to the Card is verified and the message "PASS" or "FAIL" appears in the display.
Card-To-Memory - as Memory-To-Card but the data transfer is in the opposite direction - BE VERY CAREFUL
Swap Memory and Card - achieved by pressing both Memory-To-Card and Card-To-Memory. While the second
key is pressed, the display shows "SWAP".
* Change Security Code - display: "C.S.C." / "N.A." - this feature is not yet available. The Security Code
feature is not yet implemented - any four key presses on the Keyboard will do.
* Set User Access Levels - display: "S.U.A.L." / "N.A." - this feature is not yet available.
* Master / Slave - display: "No.1" / "N.A." - this feature is not yet available - there will however be three
possible modes:
1. Master mode - key presses and slider moves are transmitted to one or more Slave Masterpieces via the
RS232 digital output.
2. Slave mode - key presses and slider moves of a master desk are mimicked.
3. Solo mode - neither LED on - the Masterpiece works as a stand alone unit neither sending nor listening to key
press or slider move information.
* Future 1 - display: "Fut.1" / "N.A." - for future expansion.
* Record Environment Chase - In Real Time / Step Times
Display: "N.A." - this feature is not yet available.
* Copy - display: "COPY" / "N.A." - this feature is not yet available.
* Future 2 - display: "Fut.2" / "N.A." - for future expansion.
Blackout/Restore - display: "b.O." / "rES"
Blackout sends a zero level to all output channels but the monitor LEDs function normally. The Red Blackout
LED blinks as a warning.
Freeze Output - display: "F.O." / "GO"
When frozen, all the output channels hold their last level, otherwise the unit functions normally - use for
Plotting. The red Freeze Output LED blinks as warning.
Joystick - display: "XX.YY" - two numbers representing the X and Y positions of the Joystick. The Joystick only
works at present in position mode, velocity mode will be implemented in future software revisions. The Joystick
crossfades between 4 scenes on Scene Keyboard 12 - a Left, Right, Up and Down Scene - the Joy Centre Scene
is not in use at present. See Joystick Programming on page 6.2 for more detail.
* This feature will be available in future software upgrades.
Page 5.9 - for Pulsar Masterpiece software version No.1.0, December 1990.