Editing times
- two methods - regardless of whether the Environment chase was made in "Real Time" or "Step Time"
1. Re-enter PCS in Real Time mode, press Forward Manual Step on each cue of your show. The timings of your
presses replace the existing times.
2. Re-enter PCS in Step Times mode, use Forward Manual Step to see the Environment for that step when pressed,
the Step Number for two seconds when released, then you have use of the Joy Stick to view (X axis) and change
the times (Y axis).
It is not possible to see all 9 digits of the step time at once so Joy Stick X allows you to window through the time,
alternately displaying part of d.hh. ' '. " ".th and the step time figures.
d. h h. ' '. " ". t h
Time display - use Joy Stick X axis to window through the step time,
d h h m m s s t h
use Joy Stick Y axis to change the time.
a o o i i e e e u
y u u n n c c n n
When running an Environment Chase, "Step Times" and "Real Time" work
s r r u u o o t d
identically and like "Manual", they use the Slope slider to set the fade in and out
s s t t n n h r
e e d d s e
The start time for a real time Environment Chase is the moment when it is
s s s s
switched on, either by pressing the pad or by switching on the mains supply to
the unit where the required Environment Chase was running at switch off.
All chases start at step 1 at switch on.
To perform a pre-recorded show, start the music, if your show starts on the first beat for example, hit the Environment
Chase pad in time with it, the rest is automatic.
To control the lighting of a museum for example, one could power the Masterpiece from a time clock which switches
on at 8.00am, then the steps of the Environment Chase control the lighting for the rest of the day.
The Memory Card's Battery Voltage
is displayed when a Card is inserted. The words "Good" (>2.75v), "FAIR"
(2.5-2.75v) or "Lo" (<2.5v) are also displayed. The display continues to monitor the voltage until any other key is
pressed or slider moved. Memory to Card and Card to Memory are not allowed if the battery voltage is low - "FA
" is
displayed. This guards against: no Card, no battery, battery in back to front and a flat battery. (Should the
transferred data not verify correctly, "FA
" is displayed).
Fine details:
• Pressing Forward or Reverse Manual Step before the fade is finished no longer loses a step - the
step forces the completion of the fade. • The software will now read correctly from the newly available "Write
Protected" Memory Cards while their protection is switched on.
Improvements to the operation of the Remote Control Socket:
The response time of the RC socket is now extremely fast - important when the unit is a slave in a multiple
Masterpiece system.
The RC signal can now drive Environment Keyboards which are in Flash and Solo modes as well as Latch and
Swap modes.
The RC signal works correctly even if all the Keyboard pads have been made inaccessible.
It will not leave an inaccessible Keyboard selected but returns to the previous one after an input in this case.
Input codes 57-63 have been removed and are reserved for special functions.
So far just code 63 is in use and allows you to remotely transfer Card to Memory.
Also see Appendix Four of the Manual.
Paul F. Mardon, Technical Director, 28-10-98
File: MPN.Sam
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