Carburettor and Fuel System
Dealer Development Center
Dealer Development Center
Specifications :
Pulsar 180cc
Make and Type
Ucal-Mikuni BS29
Identification No.
DJ - U3
Idling Speed
1400 +100
VC Screw setting
2.5 +2 turns out
Main Jet
Jet needle mark
Needle jet mark
Jet needle clip
2nd from top
Pilot Jet
Starter jet
Fixed type
Throttle valve
Fixed type
Chock Lever
2 stage with push pull type mechanism
Notes :
Pulsar DTS-i UG-III-180cc
Training Notes
Pulsar DTS-i UG-III-180cc
Training Notes
Fuel Tank
• Turn the fuel tap to the off position.
• Disconnect the fuel pipe connections from the petrol cock.
• Disconnect the fuel indicator wiring harness connection.
Note :
To remove the side covers LH and RH, unlock with the key then
hold the front end of the cover and pull the front end out then pull the
cover in forward direction to remove it from the lug.
Remove :
• Side cover LH and RH by unlocking it with key.
Remove :
• Pull the cable from the cover LH to unlock the seat lock
• Seat assembly
Note :
To remove the seat assembly hold the seat assembly and lift it
from the rear end and pull it back.
Remove :
• 1 bolt (A).
• Fuel gauge wiring connection.
• Drain pipe connection.
• Fuel pipe connection.
• Fuel tank assembly
Note :
To remove the fuel tank assembly from the chassis lift the fuel
tank assembly by holding it at the rear end and pull it back.
Fuel Tank Inspection
Remove the hoses from the fuel tank, and open the tank cap. Check
to see if the breather pipe and water drain pipe in the tank for
clogging. If they are clogged, remove the tank and drain it, and then
blow pipes free with compressed air.
Fuel Tank Cleaning
Warning :
Clean the tank in well ventilated area, and take care that
there are no smokes or flame anywhere near the working area. Because
of the danger of highly flammable liquids, do not use gasoline or low-
flash point solvents to clean the tank.
Carburettor and Fuel System