If the alarm function is on, the device will provide alarm
signal when probe or finger is out. Intermittent alarm will
occur and the user interface presents "FINGER OUT".
Medium priority indicating that prompt operator response is
Figure 5
(Actual probe may be different with the probe as Figure 5, please
accept the actual probe with the device )
B Alarm pause
Alarm includes the alarm of measure data going beyond the
limits, the alarm of low-voltage, the alarm of finger out.
When alarm is on, press the alarm pause button to pause the
alarm. It is renewed in about 60s. If pressing the "alarm pause
button" again within 60s, it can renew alarm.
If you want to turn off the alarm for good, you should enter the
menu for operation.
C Review interface
In the measure interface, press "up button" to enter the Review
Interface 1 directly, as shown in Figure6:
Figure 6 Review Interface 1
In review interface, press "menu button" to switch between
Review Interface 1 and Review Interface 2; press "Down button"
to enter the review interface for next hour or last hour. In Review
Interface 1, press "left button" or "right button" can move the
trend graph for storage data, When the trend graph can't be