The Ethernet hub in Figure 3 has three devices attached: an Ethernet-ready
desktop computer, a DSL modem, and a Base Station. The Base Station links
the Ethernet and wireless networks together so that all computers can share
files, printers, and Internet access.
In this configuration, the Base Station may perform both Network Address
Translation (NAT) and Transparent Bridging or Transparent Bridging only.
By default, the Base Station will perform both functions, but depending on
your network configuration, you may need to change this setting within the
Symphony Maestro Configuration Tool.
If you already have an Internet-sharing software package (such as a proxy
server program) installed on the network, configure the Base Station to per-
form Transparent Bridging only and then configure the wireless computers
with TCP/IP settings that match the TCP/IP settings of the workstations on the
existing Ethernet network. See Chapter 8: “Networks Using Transparent
Bridging Mode Only” on page 39 for details.
If you do not have shared Internet access from all of the computers on the
Ethernet network, you can use NAT to share a single IP address for the wire-
less network but you will not be able to share files and printers using TCP/IP.
In this case, you must install a second protocol, such as NetBEUI or IPX/SPX,
on all computers (Ethernet and wireless) to support file and printer sharing.