Polydoros RFX
Instructions for use
46 von 64
Performance Data
High-voltage generator
Performance data
High voltage
40 kV to 150 kV
High-voltage steps
1.0 kV
High-voltage rise time
≤ 1 ms @ ≤ 150 kV
High-voltage form
High-voltage cable length
16 m
Tube current
10 mA to 800 mA (55/65 kW)
10 mA to 1000 mA (80 kW)
Exposure time
1 ms to 5000 ms
Minimum exposure time
1 ms @ 100 kV (1-point technique)
1 ms @ 100 kV (2-point technique)
20 ms @ 100 kV (3-point technique)
Tube current time product
0.5 mAs to 800 mAs (55/65 kW)
0.5 mAs to 1000 mAs (80 kW)
kV accuracy
mA accuracy
ms accuracy
mAs accuracy
IEC 60601-2-54
± 5 %
± (5 % + 0.1 mA)
± (10 % + 1 ms)
± (10 % + 0.2 mAs)
X-ray techniques / operation
IEC 60601-1
Single exposure 1-point technique with falling load
Single exposure 2-point technique with constant load
Single exposure 3-point technique with constant load
Nominal shortest irradiation time
(only for 1-point technique)
≥ 3 ms
(in combination with AMC module 10 AEC chamber
10664935, anti-scatter grid, large focus, 80 % power)
Energy limitation
56 kWs
Noise emission
≤ 70 dB(A)
1. For the kV voltage range from 50 kV - 80 kV for tube currents It > 850 mA the rise time is < 2 ms