KLEv3 User Manual V1.0
1. Introduction
KLEv3 is the next generation of IP-based KVM Link Extender for remote server management. It allows virtual
management of server(s) or KVM(s) over the Internet. In addition to support for secured access via 1024-bit
PKI authentication, 256-bit SSL data encryption, LDAP, RADIUS, and Active Directory authentication; it has
virtualization of ISO file that allowed accessing of remote drive to help manage server.
The Generation 3 of KLE provides a solid, reliable, and physical extension of keyboard, mouse, and video to
nearly unlimited distance. Video supports for both analog and digital video through the DVI-I connector.
Using two passive DVI to VGA adapters will provide VGA connection at both the console and system ends.
KLEv3 options give user total control from the pre-boot stage such as BIOS-level CMOS setting with USB
interface, power cycling, and audio feedback. Along with the virtual media, you can rebuild the operating
system of any server that KLEv3 connecting on. With properly plan KVM infrastructure, you can truly feel
confident in your access to your systems.
1.1. Features
Full-featured IP-based Remote Control Solution for server management
DVI/VGA video, USB keyboard, and mouse extension over the Internet
2048x1152 resolution for clear and sharp video output
Supports virtual media/ISO
Supports audio and power management interface
Build-in 2-Port Ethernet Hub
Total transparent control
1.2. Package Content
KLEv3 unit
Power adapter
User manual
KLEv3 Support CD
DVI-A to VGA Adapter
DVI Cable
USB Cable
WiFi dongle (optional)