RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Browser
802.11a, b, g
User Manual
Industrial Hotspot
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 59 of 109
May 18, 2009
RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Browser
In This Chapter
Primary radio functions.......................................................................... 60
Operations Menu................................................................................... 63
Dialogs Menu ........................................................................................ 66
View Menu............................................................................................. 73
Help Menu ............................................................................................. 79
The RLX-IH Browser allows you to find any radios connected to your network,
see some of their basic settings, and change the IP address so you can access
the radio’s Web page. For more information, see Primary radio functions (page
When you run the program, the List view (shown in the illustration) appears with
a list of any radios on the same network as the computer running the RLX-IH
Browser. If you do not see a radio you expect to see, click the Scan (page 61)
button in the tool bar or select Scan from the File menu.
The preceding illustration shows the List View. Refer to Topology view to see
alternate views.
To clear all the radios from the list, click the Erase button in the tool bar or select
Clear from the File menu. You can then refresh the list by clicking Scan.
If you have trouble viewing radios in the RLX-IH Browser, see Troubleshoot
missing radios (page 29).