RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Browser
802.11a, b, g
User Manual
Industrial Hotspot
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 73 of 109
May 18, 2009
Field Description
The channel that the radio is using, if connected. The channel list
indicates the channel number as well as the frequency (2.4 gHz or 5
The RLXIB radio is supplied with a dual-band antenna that
supports both frequency ranges. If you use a different antenna with the
RLXIB radio, you must choose a channel and frequency range
supported by the antenna.
Indicates the encryption setting on the radio. See Security settings
(page 52) for information.
5.5 View
The View menu contains the following commands:
Tool Bar (page 73)
Topology View (page 75)
Zoom In (page 76)
Zoom Out (page 77)
Zoom to Fit (page 77)
Show Ping Stations (page 78)
Show Parents (page 78)
Print Area (page 79)
5.5.1 Tool
The Tool Bar near the top of the IH Browser window contains buttons to access
frequently used commands. Hold the mouse button over each button to view a
brief "Tool Tip" explaining the button’s use.