802.11a, b, g
RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Browser
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
Page 78 of 109
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 18, 2009
5.5.8 Show Ping Stations
Ping Stations are other computers running an instance of RadioLinx IH Browser.
To test latency between points on the network, select a ping station, open the
Operations menu, and then choose Start Ping Session.
5.5.9 Show
The show parents function allows you to display the possible alternate parents
for a repeater graphically in the topology view. The link from the repeater to its
current parent will be shown in red. If the repeater can hear other radios in the
network, links to those radios will be shown in blue. This gives a graphical
representation of the number of alternate paths available to a radio should its
parent link go down. A detailed list of each of the alternates can be seen by right-
clicking and selecting ‘Scan List'. This list, though, shows not only radios in the
same network but also 802.11 radios on other networks.
By selecting All, alternate paths for all repeaters in the network will be shown. By
selecting One, alternate paths will be shown only for the one repeater that is
currently selected.