802.11a, b, g
RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Browser
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
Page 60 of 109
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 18, 2009
Primary radio functions
You can perform the following primary functions on any radio in the list by right-
clicking the radio name.
Connect (page 63): Log in to the Radio Configuration / Diagnostic Utility to
configure a radio or check diagnostics.
Assign IP (page 16): Assign a temporary IP address to a radio.
Update Firmware (page 64): Update the version of firmware the radio uses.
Start Ping Session (page 65):
Wireless Clients (page 67): View a list of client radios
Ethernet Nodes (page 68): View a list of wired Ethernet nodes connected to the
Scan List (page 69): View a list of all the radios detected on the network
(including those from other vendors)
Port Table (page 70):
Event Log (page 70):
Properties (page 71): View the selected radio’s properties.
In addition, there are more options in the File menu.
You can print either a list of the radios' properties or a topology view.
Change how the RLX-IH Browser scans for radios.