SLC Platform
Configuring the Module with RS Logix 500
Profibus DP Slave Communication Module
Page 26 of 72
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
April 30, 2008
2.4 [MODULE]
The module section contains the data that applies to the whole module and
includes the backplane data transfer parameters.
Module Name
: MVI46-PDPS Communication Module DEFAULT
The following table describes the content of this section:
[Section]/Item Value
Configuration header for general module information
Module Name:
Up to 80
Name of the module for use on reports. Use this
parameter to identify your module in your system.
The backplane section contains the data that applies to the backplane data
transfer parameters.
Read Register Count : 122 #Number of words to move from MVI to Processor
(Profibus Output)
Write Register Count : 122 #Number of words to move from Processor to MVI
(Profibus Input)
[Section]/Item Value
Configuration header for general Backplane information
Read Register Count
0 to 122 Number of words to move from the PDPS Module to
controller tags in the processor (PROFIBUS Output)
Write Register Count
0 or 122 Number of words to move from controller tags in the
processor to the PDPS module (PROFIBUS Input)
The PROFIBUS Slave section contains the data that applies to the PROFIBUS
Slave parameters.
[Profibus Slave]
Slave Address : 6 #Profibus node address for slave (0-125)
Swap Input Bytes : No #Swap bytes in input image (Yes or No)
Swap Output Bytes : No #Swap bytes in output image (Yes or No)
Comm Failure Mode : 1 #0=x-fer on comm fail, 1=no x-fer on fail
Comm Timeout Multiplier : 1 #(1 to 10) * 125 mSec communication timeout
Use Database Paging : N # Y or N. Enables or disable paging.
2.6.1 Slave
0 to 125
The parameter specifies the node address on the PROFIBUS network for the
slave emulated in the module. Each node on the network must have a unique