Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
SLC Platform
Profibus DP Slave Communication Module
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 31 of 72
April 30, 2008
4 Diagnostics
In This Chapter
Reading Status Data from the Module .................................................. 31
Indicators....................................................................................... 43
The module provides information on diagnostics and troubleshooting in the
following forms:
Status data values are transferred from the module to the processor.
Data contained in the module can be viewed through the
Configuration/Debug port attached to a terminal emulator.
LED status indicators on the front of the module provide information on the
module's status.
Reading Status Data from the Module
The MVI46-PDPS module returns a 20-word Status Data block that can be used
to determine the module's operating status. This data can be located in the
module's database at registers at the location specified in the configuration. This
data is transferred to the SLC processor continuously with each read block.
4.1.1 Definition
Module's Extended Diagnostics Data
The Extended Diagnostic Data is reported during startup and initialization
sequence when the master requests diagnostic data from the module. The
Extended Diagnostics is "Device Related" type providing status data (the
extended diagnostic bit 3 in standard diagnostic byte 1 is set = 0). The data
length is normally 14 (0E) bytes displayed in the following format:
Byte(s) Description
Extended Diagnostics length (normally 14 bytes (0E))
1 to 6
ASCII data for Product Version
7 to 10
ASCII data for Product Name
Value of Status Register [0] (see Section 2)
Value of Status Register [1] (see Section 2)
Module State (see Section 2)
Byte 10 Data - Specific Product Code Value
34 = ASCII "4" = MVI46
35 = ASCII "5" = MVI56
36 = ASCII "6" = MVI69
37 = ASCII "7" = MVI71
51 = ASCII "Q" = PTQ