© 2009 by Proceq SA
Measure the Roll Hardness Profile
Each factory has its own recommendations for measuring the roll hardness. However, the method
is very similar in all cases and some general principles can be applied. Begin at one end of the roll,
not too close to the edge. To carry out an impact, place the hammer perpendicular to the paper roll.
Push the hammer against the surface of the roll at a moderate speed until the impact is triggered. (For
best results, impact at the same angle and apply the same pressure for each reading.) Repeat this
procedure at a regular spacing to obtain a profile across the entire roll.
“TIP” the plunger to display the running profile. The mini-
mum and maximum measured values are displayed on
the right. (TIP = Slightly depress the plunger, but not far
enough to impact.)
The rebound value is displayed on the screen after each
impact along with the number of impacts in the current
series. (A series may contain up to 99 impacts.)
Pressing the SELECT button gives you the option of ter-
minating a series (SUM icon) or deleting the last impact
if it was an obvious outlier (Dustbin icon). Scroll to the
desired icon and press the SELECT button again.
A confirmation screen prevents terminating a series pre-
maturely. Use cancel (X-symbol) or confirm (tick-symbol).
If an outlier is deleted, the display returns to the previous
value and the series counter is reduced by one.
Terminate the Series and review
At the end of the roll, terminate the series by pressing the SELECT button. Then press on the “Sum”
icon as shown above and confirm the action. This will take you to the statistics screen where you can
review all of the significant data for the test series.
Mean R value Standard deviation
Range (Max-Min) No. of impacts
Tilt the PaperSchmidt to show the roll hardness profile. The screen can show a roll hardness profile
of up to 50 impacts. However, a single series may contain up to 99 impacts for very large rolls. To see
beyond the 50 impacts simply TILT the PaperSchmidt to show the impacts to the right. A marker on
the scale at the bottom of the profile shows the “50
” impact position on both screens.
50th impact 50th impact
Exit the summary display mode by pressing the SELECT button if you want to enter or select a new
roll ID. Simply proceed to a next measurement series if you don’t use specific roll IDs.