Volt Meter
The voltmeter indicates battery voltage. A normal reading is between 12 to 15.5 volts.
Never leave port if the battery condition is not correct. You may not be able to restart your
engines with batteries that are not properly charged. Notify your dealer immediately if the gauge
readings are not correct. Check battery voltage prior to starting and again after the engine is
running at idle to insure a properly working charging system.
The tachometer indicates the revolutions per minute (RPM) of your engine. Do not operate the
engine beyond the limits stated in your engine manual. Abnormally low tachometer readings (for
a given throttle setting) indicate a loss of engine performance. Check the prop first. A reading
higher than normal indicates a ventilating or cavitating propeller or propeller damage. Notify
your dealer before operating your boat under these conditions.
The speedometer indicates the speed of your boat in Miles per hour (MPH).
The gauge operates by sensing water impact pressure from the Pitot tube mounted on the
transom. If the gauge fails to give a reading, check for a blocked pickup.
See your Pro-Line dealer for the options list for this model boat. Options installed at the factory
will have operating and maintenance instructions located in the important papers packet.
Example of Electronics Offered (factory installed)