General occupant restraint instructions (cont.)
Belt restraints must not be held away from the body by wheelchair components such as arm-
rests or wheels. (Figure 1).
The pelvic restraint belt must be worn low across the front of the pelvis so that the angle of the
pelvic belt is within the optional or preferred zone of 30° to 75° to the horizontal. A steeper
(greater) angle within the preferred zone, 45° to 75° is desirable i.e. closer to, but never exceed-
ing 75° degrees. (Figure 2)
The upper torso restraint belt must fit over the midpoint of shoulder and across the chest as
illustrated. (Figure 2)
Restraint belts must be adjusted as tightly as possible consistent with user comfort.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
For use with Dahl Docking system only
When using wheelchair with Dahl Docking system, the floor anchorage point for occupant
restrain should be located 10-60 mm outside wheels, on each side. (Figure 3)
Section 2: Operation (cont.)
These instructions are from the DAHL User Manual located at