Changing the Password for Admin
Connect to the DataHub via WiFi and login with username admin using the default password
To change the admin password browse to the “Password” tab and enter the new password
Now logout from the DataHub by selecting the “Logout” menu entry under “Settings”.
Log back into the router using username “superadmin” with password “superadmin” and repeat
the process.
Although we have not discussed “superadmin” this login provides advanced features to the
DataHub not required for tracking and blogging. Advanced users may enjoy exploring the
advanced features of the DataHub but most users will not require these. None the less the
superadmin account should be secured.
Firmware Updates
On occasion PredictWind may provide updates to the DataHub software that includes
enhancements and bug fixes. Users wishing to update their devices should download the latest
version of the firmware from PredictWind and store it on their computer.
To upgrade the firmware login to the DataHub via WiFi (or Ethernet/WAN), login as admin, and
browse to “Services->Settings”. Select the Firmware tab and select “FLASH IMAGE…” at the
bottom of the page and follow the prompts. You will need to browse for the software image you
download to your computer, upload it to the DataHub, and then confirm that you wish to update
the firmware.
You have the option of keeping the current configuration. Normally you would want to check this
option otherwise you would need to go through the full setup of the unit as described in this
Confirm the update and wait for about 5-10 minutes before trying to reconnect to the DataHub.
Note that it is CRITICAL that power not be interrupted during the update process.