PowerVision S1 provides users the following information:
1."Tutorial Video"
2."Disclaimer and Safety Guidelines"
3."Quick Start Guide"
4."User Manual"
We recommend that users watch the tutorial video for this product on the offi-
cial PowerVision website https://www.powervision.me or S1 App before
using this product.
To learn more about how to use this product, read the "Disclaimer and Safety
Guidelines " and "Quick Start Guide".
For detailed product operating instructions, read this user manual.
Download S1 App in your phone's App store. Search for S1 App
or scan the following QR code with your phone:
To ensure optimal performance of S1 App, make sure that your device is
using iOS version 10.0 or Android version 7.0 or higher.
App tutorial video location:
Official website tutorial video location:
Reading suggestion
Symbol description
Usage recommendations
Watch Tutorial Video