PFC-4064 KEYPAD PROGRAMMING • 8870080 • REV A • 12/17
Section 6: DACT Programming
The PFC-4064 uses a Potter UD-1000 Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT) which allows for communication
with a monitoring station.
The Programming Cycle
The following is the recommended approach to program the UD-1000 via the panel’s keypad. Before beginning
programming, ensure the card and phone cords have been properly installed following the directions listed in the UD-1000
Installation Manual (Potter document # 5406079) and the LEARN programming has been run.
To change the defaults, go to the Programming submenu, enter the four digit access code when prompted, then go to the
System Setup submenu, and select “PLink Devices”.
Once in the PLink Devices submenu, select “Edit Device” to begin programming the UD-1000. Scroll down to and select the
appropriate “Dialer #” [number (#) will be determined during the LEARN programming] from the list.
Main Menu
4=Walk Test
5=System Tools
1=System Setup
2=Learn Menu
3=Panel Default
System Setup
3=Assign Zones
4=Program Relays
5=P-Link Devices
Plink Devices:
1=Edit Device
2=Add New Device
3=Delete Device
Built-in Keypad
Built-in IDC6
Dialer #