PFC-4064 KEYPAD PROGRAMMING • 8870080 • REV A • 12/17
System Setup: Assign Zones
Once the input and output points have been set, they will need to be assigned to an appropriate zone. Zones are where input
and output device correlations are established. An Input Circuit will activate an output circuit (NAC) when they are assigned
to the same zone. Circuits that initiate an Alarm are assigned to Alarm Style Zones. Circuits that initiate a Supervisory signal
must be assigned to a supervisory style zone.
Within the Programming submenu, select System Setup, then select Assign Zones.
When inside the Zone Assignment submenu, you’ll have the option to add or delete points to the software zones you
established earlier.
Select “Add to Zone” or “Delete From Zone” to bring up the selection screen. The options are through the Power Supply and
IDC6, which contain the respective points you programmed into each earlier.
Scroll through the available points previously assigned by using the up/down arrow keys. Select the point being assigned or
deleted by pressing “Enter”.
You will see one of the following two screens displayed as shown below depending on whether the point is being added
or deleted. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through the available choices, then press “Enter” when the zone number
desired has been reached and highlighted by the flashing arrow. You will receive a message on the screen stating “Point has
been added /deleted” if done correctly.
Note: If a point has already been assigned to the zone selected, you will receive a message stating so.
Zone Assignment
1=Add to Zone
2=Del From Zone
Built-in PWR Sup
Built-in IDC6
Select Zones:
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Del from Zone [
System Setup
3=Assign Zones