PFC-4064 KEYPAD PROGRAMMING • 8870080 • REV A • 12/17
System Setup: Program Relays
The relays are configured to activate on a specific panel condition (Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory and Waterflow). The relay
default settings are detailed in Section 2.
To change the defaults, go to the Programming submenu, enter the four digit access code when prompted, then go to the
System Setup submenu, and select “Program Relays”.
Once inside the Program Relays submenu, select the relay being changed from the four options available.
The screen will show the currently selected relay’s function. To change the function, use the up/down arrow keys. Press
“Enter” to select and save the new function.
Main Menu
4=Walk Test
5=System Tools
1=System Setup
2=Learn Menu
3=Panel Default
System Setup
3=Assign Zones
4=Program Relays
5=P-Link Devices
Select. Prog. Relay
1=Prog. Relay 1
2=Prog. Relay 2
3=Prog. Relay 3
Relay Function
Curr: Alarm
Set: [
Point is already assigned
to this zone.