Part 11
uses the same Windows printer driver of PP-8800/8800E-L.
Posiflex Wi-Fi POS Printer Manager for PP-8800/8800E-W
When set the host system by AD-HOC mode; please set the host system IP in
the same network segment with PP-8800/8800E-W which in the
192.168.192.XXX. The default Wi-Fi mode for the PP-8800/8800E-W is AD-
HOC mode that can be search by this printer manager utility. After start the
software, the host system will automatically search printer by Broadcast or
search by IP modes and show as a list. After PP-8800/8800E showed in the list,
the IP address setting can modify. Please notice that PP-8800/8800E-W Wi-Fi
module will reboot automatically right after change or update setting. Finally
set the host system back to original mode.
For modify the printer’s Wi-Fi setting through USB interface, please connect
the cable to USB port.
It significant that when using USB interface to
regulate the PP-8800/8800E-W, please set the hardware DIP switch 1-6 or
software switch 1-6 to “ON”.
After change or update setting, please set the
SW 1-6 back to off and please reboot the PP-8800/8800E-W right after change
or update setting.
Always turn off and disconnect power before opening the cover.
The areas around the print head and motor become very hot during and just
after printing, DO NOT touch them.
When handling the interior of the thermal printer, please pay attention not
to be hurt by any sharp edge of the metal parts.
Please use soft hairbrush or compressed air to clear away any dust or paper
scraps accumulation inside the printer. Check also the area of the auto-cutter
The print head is located underneath the roll paper passage at the exit as in the
picture below. You can clean the thermal elements of the print head and paper
sensor gently using a cotton swab moistened with isopropyl alcohol solvent.
NOTE: Never do this when print head is still hot
Do not touch the print head thermal elements
Do not scratch the print head