Copyright 2017 © Portable Rotation, Inc.
Page 24
Input voltage is above maximum operating range of 14.00
VDC. System has stopped motor operations and is now
faulted. Turn off the system and resolve over voltage
Hi Volts
Input voltage is below recommended operating range of
11.90 VDC. The controller will continue to work, but the
Rotor Unit may not be able to accurately move the
antennas causing tracking errors.
Hi Volts
Input voltage is above recommended operating range of
13.75 VDC. The controller will continue to work, but the
Rotor Unit may not be able to accurately move the
antennas causing tracking errors.
Turn Out
Of Range
New Turn command will cause a turn greater than
540 Degrees.
Turn failed – Make sure there is nothing
blocking the antenna path; check connection
between rotor units. Power cycle unit.
High Temp
Rotor Unit reporting high operating temperature of
C (75
F) inside the Az enclosure.
In most cases, ComErr01 through ComErr06 will clear with an
automatic system restart. These Communication Errors are usually
caused by a cabling issue; recheck cable connections between the
Elevation and Azimuth units and the hand controller.
In the event that the Motor Controller detects a motor movement
error and cannot automatically recover from the movement error, it
will perform an internal reset and wait for the Hand Controller
processor to take action. In most cases The Hand Controller will
perform an internal reset and reinitialize and then wait for the next
Copyright 2017 © Portable Rotation, Inc.
Page 9
Set the Initial Heading and Azimuth
A compass points to Magnetic North. Due to the varying magnetic
fields of the Earth, ‘Magnetic’ North and ‘True’ North are not always
the same. When tracking satellites, True North is used. You will need
to adjust your Heading entry based on both the Magnetic North
reading and the Declination for you area. There is a lot of
information on the web that can be referenced to further understand
Magnetic Declination: and
Next go to the controller and turn the system ON, when the Initial
“Portable Rotation” messages are displayed holding down the MODE
button [Middle Button]. Continue holding the button until the
“Select / Az Bt El” message is displayed. Release the button.
Az Bt El
Selecting Bt for both
you will now enter
both initial headings.
Select Az for Azimuth, Bt
for Both or El for Elevation
Initial Az and El values now set
to Azimuth=123 degrees and
Elevation of 45 degrees
You can now choose to set the Initial Azimuth, Elevation or both.
Press the CCW button to select Azimuth, MODE button to set both or
the CW Button to set the initial Elevation value. See example on next
Enter Az
Using the 3 buttons
Enter the initial
Azimuth heading
Enter El
Using the 3 buttons
Enter the initial
Elevation Angle
Notice the 100’s place value has an underline cursor to identify the
active location to change. Use the CCW [Counts Up] and CW [Counts
Down] buttons to count up or down to set this value. You are
allowed the value 0 through 3 in this location for Azimuth and 0 or 1
for Elevation. When the first value is set, press the Mode button, the