Step By Step Instructions
1. Both Recessed Horizontal and Slim Flush Tracks consist of 3 parts,
the track housing, the track, and the locking strip.
2. End pulley assembly - This can either be installed when the
housing is installed or at the time the mechanism is installed.
Track protector: It is important to protect the track while the
concrete deck is being poured. This can be done either by using
10 mill plumbing tape or using an optional track protector that is
ble for recessed horizontal track (X0865).
1. The installed tracks must start flush with the inside of the cover
box, which must be a minimum of 12 inches from the end of the
pool and extend 18 inches beyond the other end of the pool.
The tracks must form a perfect rectangle. The track lengths, the
distance between the tracks and the diagonals each must be
2. The tracks must be installed exactly at finished deck grade. It is
strongly recommended that the deck be kept level from the pool
to the track housings. Start the slope outside of the tracks. Note:
the deck around the cover housing boxes should be fl
t for a
minimum of 4” before starting any slope if a standard lid is to be
3. The housing must have the track, a spacer (standard spacer or
optional plastic protector) and top protection in place before
pouring deck.
4. There are several ways that the tracks can be installed. In each
case track supports / mounting feet must be no further than 5’
Set in place using the mounting feet kit (A3031 for
Slim Flush Track. A1531 for Recessed Horizontal Track)
Mounted on top 2
4 stakes, which are left in the deck
permanently. Attach housing to the stakes with self
screws or by drilling holes in the housing and using drywall
or deck screws.
Set into piles of concrete or gunite approximately every 4
feet. If this method is used, care must be taken to make
sure that no cement is left higher than the bottom of the
side of the channel. Otherwise it will have to be chipped
down before the deck is poured.
5. Regardless of how the tracks are installed, it is recommended that
a string line be left in place until after the pour.
6. It is recommended that a minimum width of 5 to 6 inches of
concrete be poured on each side of the housing. Rebar or
concrete wire under the housing will help eliminate the concrete
cracking and separating from the housing.
7. It is recommended that you put a strike joint off the end of
track to control the shrinkage crack.
8. To avoid concrete fla
ing when the protector is removed, go down
each side with a 1/8-radius edger. For proper cover operation,
concrete must be as close to the top of the housing as is possible
9. Some builders find th
t it is easier to keep the tracks clean if they
install Deck-O-Drain channel between the end of the housing and
the end of the deck. However, this is optional.
(4.b.) Track staked in place, ready for pour.
(4.c.) Housing in place mounted on gunite piles ready
for deck pour.
Slim Flush Track with Guide,
Housing and Spacer
Recessed Horizontal
Track with Guide,
Housing and Spacer
(4.a.) Track staked in place using the optional
mounting feet, ready for pour.
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© Latham Pool Products, Inc. 2016. All rights reserved.
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. All rights reserved.
System Components
Installation Guidelines
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