Electrical Wiring & Bonding
The system must be bonded to meet the National Electrical Code. Bond both tracks to the mechanism by attaching a bonding lug to the
guide screw and running a #8 solid copper bond wire to the mechanism. Bond the lid to the mechanism by drilling a hole in the lid at
either end of the lid and attaching a bonding lug in each position and bonding it to the mechanism. All brackets and any other metal over
4” long should likewise be bonded to the mechanism. There should be a bond wire from the equipment pad inside the cover box. Attach
this bond wire to the mechanism to complete the bonding requirement. Note: Builder is responsible to bring proper electrical lines, conduit
and bonding to the mechanism. Electrical wiring diagram and details are shown above with instructions on the right.
Wiring The Electrical Switch
The control switch mush be mounted in an all weather box, in a location where 100% of the pool is visible. Connect the control
switch according the diagram below.
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