PSW2-1000 - HandStand
March - 2012
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Parts Drawing - Exploded View
Paper Towel Dispenser
The dispenser is designed to accept single or multi fold, as well as roll towels. The
recommended towels are the
Georgia Pacifi c #23504 -
single fold or the
Baywest Ecosoft
- roll towel.
NOTE: When using other towels, be sure the width does not exceed
Emptying Fresh Water
Drain the fresh water by unscrewing the 1/2” plug located at the bottom of the sink, to
the left of the foot pump. Tighten the plug when fi nished.
Emptying Gray Water
Wheel the sink to a proper and approved drain location. Pull the hose out from the rib
on the back of the holding tank, remove the hose cap and empty the gray water. Re-
place the cap when fi nished.
Filling with Fresh Water
Unscrew the 1” fi ll plug located at the top, right hand side of the wash basin. Insert a
standard 1” garden or similar type hose and fi ll with a few gallons of fresh water to per-
form a system check. Depress the pump a few times to “prime” it
(the pump has a built-in
check valve that will hold a prime between uses).
If needed, continue fi lling to the top
(which is the 17 gallon water level capacity).
Tighten the plug when fi nished.
LS04-0001 Soap
(3) PC-000105 - Rivet
(3) PC-000106 - Washer
TD04-1000 - Paper Towel
(4) PC-000105 Rivet
(4) PC-000106 Washer
PC-000550 3” Gray Plug
- Wash Stand W/Wheels Tank
- 3/4” Garden Hose Cap
- Rubber Hose Washer
- Fitting 1” x 3/4” MGHT
- Hose Clamp
1”I.D. x 43.5” Long
PC-000352 - Hose Clamp
PC-100316 - Elbow
1” Barb x 1” Barb
PC-000417 - 3/4” Uni-Seal
3/4” Uni-Seal
(Replaces the 1/2”
spinweld fitting
and elbow in
previous models)
PSW1-0021 - Axle
PC-000213 - Wheel,
Rubber Tread
Euro Wash Stand
(2) PC-000158 - Screw