After accurately aligning the sensor
(LED light on steady and continuous
BEEP) the system remains in alarm
Make sure that there are no external light sources that
interfere with the correct reading of the signal (gate
photocells, other barriers, infrared etc.), to do this it is
possible to check when switching off the transmitter that the
receivers have the alarm lights on, if this is not the case, find
the light source and eliminate it.
Make sure that the connectors are well inserted and that the
DIP configuration is correct;
Check which receiver optic does not pick up the
corresponding transmitter.To do this set the AND mode, if the
barrier is no longer in alarm, obscure each beam individually
finding the one that does not generate the general alarm, this
beam is not aligned;
Check the sizing of the power cables;
If the system uses a switching power supply, replace it with a
linear one to avoid electrical disturbances coming from the
The system goes into alarm with fog
and rain
Check that the fog disqualification function is active (see
chap. 12);
Make sure that the power supply of the heaters is greater
than 20 Vac at the barrier terminal board.
Make sure that the structure is well sealed and check that
there are not already elements inside which could create
disturbance (water, insects etc.);
Check the alignment accuracy of each individual optic and, if
necessary, carry out the procedure by performing a complete
scan, making sure that there are no light sources that can
influence the calibration;
For more precise alignment, position one side of the column
cover in front of the lenses in order to have two surfaces
interposed between TX and RX to double the attenuation of
the beam.
Repeated false alarms
If they are caused by the passage of animals, use the AND
functions or increase the intervention time.
Check the alignment accuracy of each individual optic and, if
necessary, carry out the procedure by performing a complete
scan, making sure that there are no light sources that can
influence the calibration.
Make sure that the power supply of the heaters is greater
than 20 Vac at the barrier terminal board.
Check the correct sizing of the power cables;
If the system uses a switching power supply, replace it with a
linear one to avoid electrical disturbances coming from the
network, we recommend the LAR22 power supply;
If possible, increase the intervention time.