Gate Operator Trouble Shooting Procedure
1. M
otor Does Not Run
-- Check battery breaker switch to make sure it is ON.
-- Check the motor breaker to make sure it is turned to ON position.
-- Make sure the AC Switch is ON and if necessary use a multi meter to check the input voltage
to make sure it is 115VAC/220VAC.
b. AC/SOL LED is ON:
-- Check the motor breaker to make sure it is turned to ON position.
-- Check the motor wire connection to make sure every wire is firmly connected inside the
terminal connector.
-- Check limit switch wires to make sure the close limit switch wire is connected to
Common/GND, and the other wire is connect to the normal close position.
-- Disconnect all the external accessories first. Then check it to see if the motor can run. Some
time the Photo beam sensor, edge sensor, loop detector, or other safety sensor prevents the
motor from running.
-- Turn OFF the AC switch, Turn OFF the battery breaker. Wait for 30 seconds. Then turn the bat
tery breaker and AC switch ON. Then reset the operator(s). This is a hard reset.
-- If you use the Multi Code 1090 receiver, please make sure the connection is correct. Connect
from the receiver common pin to operator main board +28Vpin, and connect the receiver 24V
pin to operator main board GND pin. If your connection is wrong, it can freeze the operator.
Next turn the AC switch and battery breaker switch OFF. Wait for 30 seconds. Then turn these
two switches back ON. Then reset the operator.
c. Power Failure:
-- Check battery connection, and check each battery voltage (12VDC) to make sure the battery
is still at good condition.
d. Overload Sensor and Alarm are ON:
-- Press STOP button once to silence the alarm. Check the gate path to make sure everything is
clear of obstructions. Double check to GATE SNS is set correctly. Normal SNS setting is at 2
O’clock. If needed, set sensor to 11 O’clock, 9 O’clock.
2. Problems While in Motion
a. Stops then Reverse:
-- Please check the gate path to make sure the path is clear with obstructions.
-- Double check the GATE SNS is set correctly. Normal setting is at 2 O’clock. If need, set sensor
to 11 O’clock, 9 O’clock.
-- Check the gate hinge, or wheels, or other hardware to make sure everything is working nor
-- Reset the gate operator to learn again.
b. Travel over the Limit Switch:
-- Check the limit switch to make sure it is good.
-- Check the limit switch wire to make sure the connection is correct.
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