User’s Manual of WGSW-20160HP
Security Switch SNMP User Add
Add SNMPv3 user entry.
The entry index key are <engineid> and <user_name> and it doesn't allow modify.
Security Switch SNMP User Add <engineid> <user_name> [MD5|SHA] [<auth_password>] [DES] [<priv_password>]
: Engine ID, the format may not be all zeros or all 'ff'H and is restricted to 5 - 32 octet string
: A string identifying the user name that this entry should belong to. The name of "None" is reserved.
The allowed string length is (1-32), and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126
: An optional flag to indicate that this user using MD5 authentication protocol. The allowed length is
(8-32), and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126
: An optional flag to indicate that this user using SHA authentication protocol. The allowed length is
(8-40), and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126
: A string identifying the authentication pass phrase
: An optional flag to indicate that this user using DES privacy protocol privacy protocol should belong to.
The allowed string length is (8-32), and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126
: A string identifying the privacy pass phrase.
The allowed string length is (8-40), and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126
Security Switch SNMP User Delete
Delete SNMPv3 user entry.
Security Switch SNMP User Delete <index>
: entry index (1-64)