Gigabit Multi-Homing VPN Security Router User’s Manual
China Netcom strategy and self-defined strategy can coexist. However, if a destination IP is
assigned by both China Netcom strategy and self-defined strategy, China Netcom strategy will
take priority. In other words, traffic to that destination IP will be transmitted through the WAN (or
WAN group) under China Netcom strategy.
Session Balance Advanced Function
In general, session balance is to equally and randomly distribute the session connections of each intranet IP.
For some special connections, for example, web banking encrypted connection (Https or TCP443), is required
to connect from the same WAN IP. If one intranet IP visits web banking website and the connection is
distributed into different WAN IP addresses, there will be disconnection or failure. Session balance advanced
function targets at solving this issue.
Session balance advanced function can set the same intranet IP keeps having sessions from the same WAN
IP for some specific service protocols. Other service protocols can still adopt the original balance mechanism
to distribute the sessions equally and randomly. With the original session balance efficiency, advanced
function can ensure the connection running without error for some special service protocols.
Click “Advanced Function” to enter the setting window:
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