7.2 oscillator 2 inputs and controls
[oscillator 2 frequency knob]
- Coarse frequency control. Used to set the
lowest frequency range that the [oscillator 2 fine tune knob] and [oscillator 2 v/o
input jack] add to.
[oscillator 2 fine tune knob]
- Fine frequency voltage added to the base
frequency. Used to dial in precise frequencies.
[oscillator 2 v/o input jack]
- One volt per octave pitch tracking input added to
the base frequency. Used to control the pitch of the oscillator with a keyboard
controller, sequencer, or other calibrated voltage source.
oscillator 2 fm input jack]
- Exponential fm input jack used for frequency
[oscillator 2 fm input attenuator]
- Fm input level control sets the amount of
signal allowed to pass from the [oscillator 2 fm input jack] to the oscillator core.
7.3 oscillator 2 outputs
[oscillator 2 square output jack]
- 50% period square wave.
[oscillator 2 sine output jack]
- Smooth sine wave.
[oscillator 2 triangle output jack]
- Triangle wave.
[oscillator 2 saw output jack]
- Saw wave.