Figure 07-002: Seat pan cut out.
e. Grind/Trim 3cm to each side along the crack/damage in the fwd fuselage belly. Grind
all the way to the fibre structure and determine the amount of the damage. Lightly
abrade the fuselage belly 2 cm along all the trimmed edge.
f. Lightly abrade the fuselage on the seat-pan bonding area.
g. Lightly abrade also the seat pan 2 cm aft of the cut made in step b.
h. Blow surface clean with compressed air, wipe away dust/debris with acetone and
allow to dry for 30 minutes.
i. Create support plate(s) over the bottom of the damaged area. Apply a 3 mm airex
foam (P/N 5079026) covered with resin non-stick material (for example heavy duty
brown packaging tape).
j. Secure the foam over the damaged area with firmly applied stretch wrap and with
double sided Tesa adhesive tape shown in Figure 07-003 Step 1.
In place of airex foam a different 3mm type of PVC foam can be used.
k. To prevent air bubbles forming first apply a smaller amount of microbaloons compound
over the support plate (Figure 07-003 Step 2).
The airex foam has to be firmly pressed to the fuselage and has to form the crease in the
fwd fuselage belly.
l. Prepare some resin and cut the plies of 92125 (Pipistrel P/N 5071006) 0°/90° and top
layer 1x 92110 (Pipistrel P/N 5071002) 0°/90° so that they extend beyond the damaged
area by 2cm inside the fuselage (Figure 07-003 Step 2).