Build your garden shed in 7 easy steps!
Step 1:
Check all parts against the component list
Step 2:
Assemble the rear wall panels
Step 3:
Assemble the side wall panels
Step 4:
Assemble the roof panels
Step 5:
Assemble the front wall panel
Step 6:
Assemble the front door
Step 7:
Fit the panels together
Concrete slab:
Please ensure that your site is level. It is recommended that your slab is
100mm thick and you use builder’s plastic and F52 reinforcing mesh. We recommend that
you make your slab 100mm bigger than the base dimensions of your garden shed. This will
allow for a 50mm edge around your garden shed. We recommend that you slope the 50mm
edges downward by 10mm so that rainwater can drain away from your garden shed.
WARNING: If you require a cyclonic kit for this shed please note, you will need to assemble the kit and shed together.
Warning: Do not assemble this shed on a windy day.
Warning: This shed must be fully assembled and anchored to a concrete slab using the supplied bolt down kit in one session/
day. The shed must not be left partly assembled.
Assembly recommendations: We recommend a minimum of two people are needed to assemble this shed.