PSEN op2H-A series
Perform the following checks:
The light curtain is in a safe state (OSSDs off)
The beams are interrupted across the whole area of the protected field using a test
object (test rod) (TP-30) with an appropriate resolution, in accordance with the
diagram in Fig. 16.
Is the light curtain aligned correctly?
Press gently on the side of the product in both directions. The red LED must not
light during this process
Activate the TEST function on the TX side.
The OSSD outputs are opened (red LED, OSSD on the RX side, ON and stop of
the controlled machine).
The response time to the status of the machine STOP, including the response time of
the light curtain and machine, is within the limit values defined for calculating the safety
distance (see Chapter 2.2).
The safety distance between the danger zones and the light curtain complies with the
details specified in Chapter 2.2.
Access and exposure of persons between the light curtain and hazardous machine
components is prevented.
It is impossible to access the machine’s danger zones from an unprotected side.
In order to guarantee that the light curtain remains in NORMAL FUNCTION MODE for at
least 10-15 minutes and, after positioning the specific test object in the protected field,
stays in a SAFE STATE for the same time span, there must be no interference from
external light sources.
Check that all additional functions comply by activating them several times under
different operating conditions.