Operating Manual PIT m4SEU
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To secure plants, systems, machines and networks against cyberthreats it is necessary to
implement (and continuously maintain) an overall industrial security concept that is state of
the art.
Perform a risk assessment in accordance with VDI/VDE 2182 or IEC 62443-3-2 and plan
the security measures with care. If necessary, seek advice from Pilz Customer Support.
The product is not protected against physical manipulation. For this reason, both the
product and the authentication system PITreader, including the cable between the two
devices, should be installed in a lockable control cabinet.
The computer that accesses the product has to be protected from attacks by a firewall or
other suitable measures. We recommend that a virus scanner is used on this computer
and updated regularly.
If necessary, protect the computer and the product from unauthorised use by assigning
passwords and taking further measures if required. We also recommend that the logged
in user does not have administrator rights.
Assign only safe passwords. When assigning passwords, please note:
– The password should have at least 8 characters.
– The password should contain upper and lower case characters, as well as special
characters and numbers.
– If possible, the password should not be available in dictionaries.
– The password should not be made up of standard variants and repetitions or key-
board patterns (so not: 1234abcd).
– Use a password manager for optimum management of complex passwords.
– Language-independent characters are not available in every keyboard language.
– Make sure you regularly change the passwords of the user accounts on the system
and/or ask the users to change their passwords themselves.
– Make the users aware of the responsible use of their access data.
Assign different permissions for the various user groups (e.g. diagnostics - configuration).
As soon as possible, install firmware updates that Pilz provides for the product.
Check the log of the product for security-relevant entries on a regular basis.
Before disposal, the product must be safely decommissioned. To do this, all the data
must be deleted from the device.
– Set the configuration back to its default settings or delete the configuration.
– Switch off the product.
– If the product includes a removable data medium, remove it and format it at the com-
puter. Do not carry out a quick formatting. Alternatively, you can use a program to
safely delete data or destroy the memory mechanically.