Start-up PikoLoad
Guideline Installation PikoLoad
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Version 1
Tachograph Settings
The Tachograph must be configured for remote Download on CAN 2 / C-CAN to have the
full functions at PikoLoad.
The settings can be changed only by authorised workshops with a valid workshop card
In most cases a CTC II from Continental is used (esp. for the Continental tachographs)
For Stoneridge tachographs the settings can be made direct at the tachograph by using a
valid workshop card inserted in slot1.
The tachographs need a second CAN interface for supporting remote Download. This is
present at Continental tachographs from vers. 1.3 or higher and at Stoneridge
tachographs vers. 7.1 or higher.
A negative RDL test with PikoLoad indicates that either the connection to the tachograph is
not correct or the tachograph is not configured for remote Download on C-CAN.