T H E M O D E R N M - B U S T E C H N O L O G Y
PiiGAB Process Information i Göteborg AB
General Configuration Guidelines
Observe the following guidelines when preparing the gateway for use with Com
Port Redirector.
The gateway to which Com Port Redirector will connect must have an
IP address.
The PC running Com Port Redirector must have a good network
connection to the gateway.
If redirecting over a Wide Area Network (WAN), both the PC and the
gateway must have a correct gateway address configured in their
TCP/IP settings.
All serial settings on the gateway must match the settings of the
Connect/Disconnect and Access Modes: The way the device server
accepts a connection must be configured appropriately to accept a
network connection from Com Port Redirector. Set the connect mode
to C0 and the disconnect mode to 00.
General Com Port Redirector Usage Guidelines
Observe the following general guidelines when using Com Port Redirector:
Do not run Com Port Redirector with other software that installs a
virtual com port.
Do not run Com Port Redirector with other Com Port Redirection
software on the same PC.