User manual
• Back up your files. Philips is not
responsible for any loss of data.
Hearing protection
Observe the following guidelines when
you use headphones:
• Set the volume to a moderate level to
avoid damaging your hearing.
• Don’t turn the volume up so high that
you can’t hear what is going on around
• In potentially dangerous situations,
be particularly careful or temporarily
discontinue use.
Legal restrictions on recording
• The use of the recording function of
dictation devices is subject to the legal
restrictions that may apply in your
country. You should also respect the
privacy and personal rights of third
parties if you record talks or lectures.
• If you want to record telephone calls,
check if this is legal in your country. In
certain countries, you may be legally
required to inform the person you are
conversing with on the telephone that
you are recording the conversation.
1 Important
This manual covers the basic installation
of the SpeechExec software and its
related use with the SpeechMike, Pocket
Memo and SpeechAir dictation hardware.
Not all devices mentioned in this manual
are necessarily part of the package
contents. Descriptions of devices and
accessories are for information only and
do not require Philips to deliver any of
these accessories with this package.
• For more information about using the
SpeechExec software, see the help
function (press F1 on the keyboard).
Philips reserves the right to change
products at any time without being
obliged to adjust earlier supplies
The material in this manual is believed
adequate for the intended use of the
system. If the product, or its individual
modules or procedures, are used for
purposes other than those specified
herein, confirmation of their validity and
suitability must be obtained.