Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
A separate MOP Ambient
Light FPGA SW. This SW is not part of the FUS
autorun.upg! A programmed MOP device can also be
ordered via the regional Service organization.
Not to be used by Service
Not to be used
by Service technicians.
2.6 PQPrivate_U522
Not to be used by
Service technicians.
2.7 PQPublic_U522
Not to be used by
Service technicians.
Default NVM
content. Must be programmed via ComPair.
Contains the Stand-by software in “upg” and “hex” format.
The “StandbySW_xxxxx_prod.upg” file can be used to
upgrade the Stand-by software via USB.
The “StandbySW_xxxxx.hex” file can be used to
upgrade the Stand-by software via ComPair.
The files “StandbySW_xxxxx_exhex.hex” and
“StandbySW_xxxxx_dev.upg” may not be used by
Service technicians (only for development purposes).
This is a separate
MPEG4 SW (is also part of the FUS autorun.upg). Not to
be used by Service Technicians.
for production purposes, not to be used by Service
Caution: Never try to use this file, because it will
overwrite the HDCP keys ! ! !
Not to be used by
Service Technicians.
Explanation UART log
What's inside the flash of a TV set
Figure 5-15 Sections in a flash device
Explanation of the sections
The flash of TV520 sets consists of a boot-block (block 0), a
number of BFFS (Boot Flash File System) partitions, one
SquashFS (compressed read-only filesystem for Linux.
SquashFS is intended for general read-only filesystem use, for
archival use) partition and a number of JFFS (Journaling Flash
File System) partitions. The BFFS partitions contain the
program code and compile-time data. The SquashFS partition
contains the Linux rootfs including the standard RFS (Root File
System) directory structures (dev,lib, modules, … ) and MIPS
executables (elf).
For the purpose of SWUPG (SoftWare UPGrade application)
the following points are important:
The boot-block (block 0) contains also the partition table.
This table indicates which partitions there are on this
system and where they are located on the flash. All
programs that want to access the flash contents should use
this table.
At system start-up the BTM (Boot Manager) loads the JBL
(Jaguar Boot Loader) from /bffs0. The JBL then starts
interpreting the boot.bat file from the highest available
BFFS partition. If no boot.bat is found there, the next lower
partition is tried.
/bffs1 partition contains:
kernel image.
ramdisk image of RFS holding bare minimum (no
debug tooling), including mod/libs , the SW backup
upgrade executable, the Jett executable and the helper
executable (init + MTD utils used to flash).
boot batch file.
The backup SWUPG is stored in the /boot1 BFFS partition
in the factory, together with a boot.bat that by defaults
loads this SWUPG. This way the set will always load this
SWUPG if nothing is in /bffs2.
/bffs2 partition contains:
kernel image.
ramdisk image of RFS holding bare minimum (no
debug tooling), including mod/libs , the SW backup
upgrade executable and the helper executable (init +
MTD utils used to flash).
TM image.
boot batch file.
In /boot2 an additional SWUPG shall always be written,
either in the factory or by the end-user through an upgrade,
which will overrule the one in /boot1. Here also the TM
image is stored and a boot.bat which by default loads the
main TV application, but falls back on the /boot2/SWUPG
if that fails.
/bffs3 partition contains PNX5100 images.
In SquashFS, the TV application RFS flashed as a partition
image. Content identical to the RAMDISK RFS at the
exception that it includes the TV application in stead of
JFFS2 partition0 contains the R/O once data, which can
only written be written in the factory.
JFFS2 partition1 contains the R/W data.
Startup sequence TV
The UART doesn't show the standby output.
- JB L
- ve rsio n.txt
- b o o t b a tch file # 1
p a rtitio n ta b le
B a cku p
- b o o t b a tch file # 2
- L in u x K e rn e l in clu d in g
R a m d isk im a g e w ith
- m in im a l R F S
- S W d o w n lo a d a p p # 1
- JE T T
B lo ck 0
- b o o t b a tch file # 3
- T M a p p lica tio n
- L in u x K e rn e l in clu d in g
R a m d isk im a g e w ith
- m in im a l R F S
- S W d o w n lo a d a p p # 2
A p p lica tio n R/W d a ta
A p p lica tio n 'd a ta ' p a rtitio n
R o o t F ile S yste m
- m in im a l R F S
- M IP S u se r- sp a ce T V a p p
- A p p lica tio n R/O rrfs d a ta
A p p lica tio n R/O u p g ra d a b le d a ta
A p p lica tio n 'B o o t' p a rtitio n
S Q U A S H F S p a rtitio n
JF F S2 p a rtitio n # 1
JF F S2 p a rtitio n #0
(split in 2 virtual partitions on
ceinfra level, based on path )
B F F S p a rtitio n #0
B F F S p a rtitio n #1
B F F S p a rtitio n #2
A p p lica tio n R/O o n ce d a ta
- P N X5 1 0 0 im a g e
B F F S p a rtitio n #3