User Manual
• Oximetry - This screen displays the Oximetry parameters.
This option is only shown when an optional Oximetry module is attached.
• Status - This displays information sent from a peripheral (SD card
, modem
, etc.). If two peripherals are
attached, two lines will appear with corresponding icons.
This will not display if no peripherals are being used.
• Device Settings - This screen allows you to view the current device settings. Maximum pressure, EPAP min, EPAP
max, BPM, PS min and PS max will display.
• Monitor Parameters - This screen displays all available measured therapy parameters. The following will
display: Estimated Patient Pressure in cm H
O, Leak ( ) in LPM, Minute Ventilation in LPM, Tidal Volume in mL,
Respiratory Rate in BPM, and the pulse oximetry measurement if available on the device. Example shown below.
This screen will only display if the blower is on.
• Phone-in - This screen displays the total therapy hours for the device, the total blower hours, and the total
number of days used when the sessions were greater than 4 hours since the device was last reset by the home care
provider. This screen also displays a compliance check number used by your home care provider to validate that
the data provided by you is the data taken from this screen. This setting only appears if your provider has enabled
this feature.
• Compliance VIC (Visual Inspection Check) - This screen displays the start day and the total number of days
used when the sessions were greater than 4 hours. This screen also displays a check code number used by your
home care provider to validate that the data provided by you is the data taken from this screen.
• Therapy hours - The device is capable of recognizing the difference between the time the patient is actually
receiving therapy and the time when the blower is simply running. This screen displays the amount of time the
patient is actually receiving therapy on the device for the most recent 1 day time frame. It also displays the
average amount of time the patient is actually receiving therapy on the device over a 7 day and a 30 day time frame
(provided the device has at least 7 or 30 days of data respectively). If the device has only 5 days of data to use for
the calculation, the 5 day average value will be seen under the 7 day display.
• Days > 4 - This screen displays the cumulative number of device therapy sessions that exceeded 4 hours over a 1
day, a 7 day, and 30 day time frame.
• Large leak - During any given night, the device recognizes the percentage of time the patient was experiencing
what it deemed to be a large leak. Large leak is defined as the level of leak that is so large, it is no longer possible
to determine respiratory events with statistical accuracy. This screen displays the nightly value of percentage of time
in large leak for the most recent 1 day time frame. It also displays the average of these individual nightly values of
percentage of time in large leak over a 7 day and a 30 day time frame (provided the device has at least 7 or 30 days
of data respectively). If the device has only 5 days of data to use for the calculation, the 5 day average value will be
seen under the 7 day display. If you see a large increase in the percent of time in large leak indicated here, contact
your home care provider for assistance. This screen only displays if your home care provider has enabled it.
• AHI - The device accumulates individual Apnea/Hypopnea Indices (AHI) for each session the patient used the
device. This screen displays the nightly AHI value for the most recent 1 day time frame. It also displays the average
of these individual nightly AHI values over a 7 day and a 30 day time frame (provided the device has at least 7 or
30 days of data respectively). If the device has only 5 days of data to use for the calculation, the 5 day average value
will be seen under the 7 day display. This screen only displays if your home care provider has enabled it.