Battery-Monitor BLS
REV 1A – APR 2019 - Software Version 1A
page 6
2: Voltage (+2) second battery group
Optional connection of a voltage measurement of a second battery group (starter battery), this is
then displayed as a second battery group on the monitor.
3: T-: Minus temperature sensor (brown wire) T +: Plus temperature sensor (blue wire)
Optional temperature sensor (Temp-BT) for recording the battery temperature. The temperature
sensor should be fixed on the outside of the housing of the battery. The temperature sensor has no
active influence on the capacity calculation or charge, but is for information only.
4: LIN bus communication with display
The BLS monitor communicates with the Shunt SHE 300 and the ACE charger via this cable
3.3. Interface ACE-LIN (optional part)
To communicate with the BLS monitor with an ACE charger, an ACE-LIN interface must be inserted
in the ACE charger. For the ACE 12/60 and ACE 24/30 models, the integrated monitor must be
removed and replaced with the ACE-LIN interface.
Removal of the front charger cover and preparation of the cable gland.
Remove cover
Break out the metal tongue with a pair of flat-nose pliers
Inserting the rubber cable grommet
Insert the cover and the cable
Inserting the interface board ACE-LIN
Make sure the ACE charger is disconnected from the AC
mains before starting work.