3-1 Manual switch report mode
When PAN24 is turned on or turned off, it will send a Switch_Binary_report to the
nodes of group1. If the setting value is 0, it will disable sending the report.
3-2 switch Working Timer
This is a working time for the switch from turn to turn off. The maximum setting
value is from 11(11*10min=110min), and the default value is 6.
3-3 W
Meter Report Period:
If the setting is configured for 1hour (set value =720), the PAN24 will report its
instant power consumption every 1 hour to Group1 node. The maximum interval
to report its instant power consumption is 45 hours (5s*32767/3600=45hr).
3-4 KWH Meter Report Period:
If the setting is configured for 1hour (set value =6), the PAN24 will report its
Accumulated Power Consumption (KW/h) every 1 hour to Group1 node. The
maximum interval to report its Accumulated Power Consumption (KW/h) is 227.55
days (10min*32767/1440=227.55 days).
3-5 Threshold of current for Load Caution
This is a warning when the current of load over the preset threshold value, if the
setting value is 1500, when the load current of Relay1 over this value, PAN24
will send current meter report to warn the Group1 node, the Range of the setting
value is from 10 to 1500, and the default value is 1500.
3-6 Threshold of KWh for Load Caution
This is a warning when the KWh of load over the preset threshold value, If the
setting value is 10000, when the Accumulated Power Consumption of Relay1 over
this value, PAN24 will send KWH meter report to warn the Group1 node,
minimum value is 1KWh and default value is 10000 kWh.
3-7 Watt differential report mode:
Whenever the instant power consumption varies over 5%, it will report its instant
power consumption to Group1 node. If the setting value is 0, it will disable sending
the report.
4. Firmware update over the air (OTA)
PAN24 is based on 500 series SoC and supports Firmware Update Command Class,
it can receives the updated firmware image sent by controller via the Z-wave RF
media. It is a helpful and convenient way to improve some function if needed.
5. Command Classes
The Switch supports Command Classes including…